
Showing posts with the label attendance


5KD's attendance has massively grown this week! 99.1% and second highest in KS2! Well done everyone! Let's keep this up for the rest of the year! Thank you for your continuous support!

Summer Term

Hello everyone and welcome back to a new term - the last of this year! We have had a great start, catching up with the Cosmic book in writing and looking at different characters. Also, we have restated our multiplication tests which will be continuing throughout the year. Attendance: The last week before Easter holidays 5KD achieved 97% attendance which is a big improvement! Keep up the hard work guys (or even try and get it better) PE: PE will still be on Wednesday afternoons - indoor and outdoor kit will be required. Thank you for your continuing support, Miss Doorbar

Weekly Attendance

5KD's weekly attendance percentage is 95.2%. Let's try get these higher after the Easter holidays :)

Weekly Attendance

YES! We have had a great improvement with attendance this week - our percentage is 99.1%! Much better everyone, keep up the hard work! Challenge - Maybe we could aim for 100% this week :)

Weekly Attendance

5KD had another disappointing  92.2% attendance last week :( - I am sure we can get that up to 96% this week!  Let's try really hard to get in to school to learn! Thank you to parents for your continuous support.  Miss Doorbar 


As part of raising attendance throughout the school, all classes will be posting their attendance percentages each week on their blogs. Last week 5KD only had 93% - this was the least in the KS2 :( As a school, we aim to achieve at least 96% attendance - Lets work together to try and get to 96% next week :) Thank you, Miss Doorbar

Attendance Stars

All these children were here every day and on time this week! Well Done :)